EuCNC & 6G Summit is among the most eagerly awaited telecommunications events of the year. It gathers cutting-edge research and world-known industries and business presenting and discussing the latest results in 5G deployment, mobile IoT, 6G exploration and future communications systems. 6G-NTN could not miss the event and went to Gothenburg (Sweden) from the 6th to the 9th of June to take part in the 2023’s edition. Our Project Coordinator, Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli and several project partners from the University of Bologna, Thales Alenia Space and Digital for Planet participated in a number of sessions to present the project development in integrating the Non-Terrestrial Network (NTN) into the future 6G infrastructure.

6G-NTN highlights from EuCNC & 6G Summit

Non-Terrestrial Networks Paper Session

Riccardo Campana (University of Bologna) presented the first 6G-NTN paper: O-RAN Based Non-Terrestrial Networks: Trends and Challenges, which focuses on the possible implementation of an NTN infrastructure based on the O-RAN approach.

Aligning European NTN Convergence and Integration

This session brought together various initiatives contributing to achieving NTN/TN convergence in Europe. Representatives from various SNS, ESA and National NTN projects introduced their activities and discussed with the audience on their objectives and shared goals. 6G-NTN Project Coordinator, Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli, presented the project, the current status of the activities and the aims of the developed technologies.

The 6G Series Workshop by Hexa-X and Hexa-X-II

In the afternoon of the 6th of June, the 6G-NTN Project Coordinator, Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli, gave an overview of the stage of the Hexa-X and Hexa-X-II-organised workshop the 6G-NTN architecture and the envisaged benefits for the vertical markets. This represented the occasion to present for the first time to the public the seven use cases identified by the project to show the application of 6G NTN technology in various market segments. 

Mega-Constellation Non-Terrestrial Network for 6G

As the world enters the era of 6G, the development of Non-Terrestrial Networks is rapidly gaining momentum. Among the various innovations, mega-constellations are emerging as crucial services, offering invaluable support to Terrestrial Networks, particularly in regions with limited connectivity. Recognising the pivotal role of mega-constellations in establishing a reliable and indispensable global connectivity infrastructure, Alessandro Guidotti, a project partner from the University of Bologna, participated in the session titled “Mega-Constellation Non-Terrestrial Network for 6G” on the 7th of June. The session explored the integration challenges and research directions for leveraging mega-constellation networks in the 6G landscape.